Sujok Global Recognition
Recognition of Su-Jok Therapy by ministry of health in countries all over the world
Sujok Therapy is recognised as an authorised method of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in Russia as per the public health legislation of Russian Federation (Article no. 43), listed in 3rd issue of state register of New Medical Technologies vide registration No. 2000/30.
Sujok Therapy is also recognised as a form of “Traditional Medicine” in Republic of Serbia which are legally determined and recognized by the Statute on precise terms, methods and techniques of traditional medicine methods and techniques application ("Official Register of RS”, number 119/07)
Sujok Therapy is accepted as System of Traditional Medicine in the Romania according to the Law No.118/2007 passed by the parliament of Romania came in force on 8th August 2007.
Recognition of Sujok Therapy as independent system of Medicine / Therapy is underway with Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family welfare Government of India.
Ligitimization by the Russian Federation, Ministry of health.
Integration of Twist Therapy into the Russian Medical System
Recognition of Sujok Therapy as effective for pain relief
Studies regarding the efficacy of Sujok Therapy by the Russian Federation Ministry of Health

Sujok in legea 118 medicina alternativa-Romanian parlament

Recognition of Sujok Therapy as independent system of Medicine / Therapy is underway with Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family welfare Government of India.
Currently there is No guidelines by Government to Practice Sujok Therapy officially.

Recognition by the Turkish Ministry of Health

Recognition by the Israeli Medical Association - Medical Society of Acupancture (MSAIMA)
Caution : The practice of SuJok Therapy is subject to the laws and regulations of each respective country. Our certification does not authorize individuals to practice SuJok Therapy without obtaining the necessary legal clearances, if applicable. Additionally, SuJok Therapy training does not grant any individual the right to use the title "Dr." before their name unless they are a qualified medical practitioner and registered with the relevant medical council in accordance with the law.