Coming Soon!!
Dear Colleges & Friends,
Professor Park had envisioned that ISA will be the biggest and greatest organization in history. Walking to his pathways, ISA has become a huge global family. Ever since we restructured and expanded it, We’ve been growing by leaps and bounds.
It's a long-awaited demand from the Sujok fraternity to start a Regular News Letter from the ISA. It has been decided by the global executive committee under the novel guidance of Dr. Park Minchul, Global President of ISA to Start it from coming November.
Now it is an opportunity for all Sujok family to become an author and to write a wonderful article for your own magazine. If writing’s your thing, don’t worry about spelling or grammar or fancy style; if you really have a good topic to write about just write it in your own words. You write the article, we’ll do the rest. International Sujok Association (ISA) is seeking your contributions to the bi-monthly Newsletter “SUJOK WORLD” an official Newsletter of ISA to share with the GLOBAL SUJOK community. We invite members to submit a short article or announcement that fits into the following categories:
News items, conference announcements, etc.
Brief articles – short, topical, news-oriented
Awareness activity reports such as awareness camps, treatment camps, etc
Award, achievement, recognitions related information
My Sujok Journey: a brief story about how you came into Sujok Field, Your experience & subsequently your vision.
Group activity and event reports.
Case study: a successful treatment protocol with documentary evidence & feedback from patients
Please submit your contributions to sujoknewsletter@gmail.com by the due dates indicated below.
November Issue – due 20 October 2021
January ’22 Issue – due 20 December 2021
March ’22 Issue - due 20 February 2022
May ’22 Issue - due 20 April 2022
July ’22 Issue - due 20 June 2022
September ’22 Issue - due 20 August 2022
All articles must be submitted in Word format and include a title.
Photos, images, or graphics are encouraged and may be resized for placement.
Word count:
News items, Affinity Group reports, and announcements – 100 to 200 words
All other articles have a limit of up to 500 words.
Case Studies have a limit of up to 1200 words.
By submitting a contribution to the SUJOK GLOBAL Newsletter, you are agreeing that
The news Letter either will be in printed form or will be E-Newsletter
the content submitted will be publicly available.
ISA GLOBAL reserves the right not to publish all submitted content in the SUJOK GLOBAL Newsletter.
ISA may also use submitted content in a future newsletter issue.
Required editorial changes and spelling corrections will be made.
To establish the identity of contributors, your name and/or your group’s name may be published with your article or contribution.
By submitting images to be used with your articles, you authorize ISA to use these images in our publications and furthermore, you are agreed and aware that the image submitted by you is free from any copyrights or intellectual rights.
For questions, email sujoknewsletter@gmail.com.